Friday, March 12, 2010

Google- The Universal P.I.M.P

I felt so insecure when I opened my Gmail today. I was tormented to see that Marrisa Miller had replaced all Megan Fox ad's on my Gmail. They are invading my dreams or what? How the hell do they know this. Hmmm I wonder if Larry Page and Sergey Brin come in my dreams and film me while hiding behind the curtains.

Google is destroying my privacy. Seems like every time I search something, a chapter is added to Gitwick's Biography in their database.

But somehow I feel that I need them (That too really badly). If I want I can stop using Google any day I like and switch to some other search engine if this privacy thing was such a big issue to be honest. But I will never ever do that. Coz now that they know so much about me , I have developed this hope that when searches for a suitable girl for me on the internet , they will find a Marrisa Miller look alike if not her atleast.

Google my homie , mah P.I.M.P set me up dude!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Where the hell is she looking?

Can you tell in which direction is this girl looking?

Whats the first thing you do when you see a hot chick ? You check her out!!

The art of checking out a girl is not as easy as it sounds , you just dont stare at her like an ass , you look at her from the corner of your eye etc etc. Basically you would not want her to know that youre checking her out. I wouldn't atleast , coz if she figures that out she might think "what a pervert!"

All guys check out women doesnt mean they are prverts. I am not a pervert , I would definitely not want a beautiful girl to think about me like that. Hence when I check out hot women I time my glances in a way that I look at them only when they are not looking at me.

Now the issue is what if that girl is wearing shades? CHECKMATE!! I cant tell where is she looking. So i dont know when to look when not to look.

Today on my way back to college i saw this super hot chick sitting opposite me , but she was wearing these huge shades. It was such a torture , I wanted to check her out but i couldnt, it was too risky! What if she saw me checking her out! Tomorrow if by any chance I meet her , first thing which will cross her mind when she sees me will be "So youre the pervert who was checking me out in the metro". Chances of scoring = 0 :(

I wish shades would go out of fashion. Life would be easier that way.

past revisited

In school i was more of a beatles guy, I used to love that fun factor about them. All their songs were about love. Studying in an all boys school takes a toll on you sometimes. When fat old teachers are the only women around one feels very frustrated. I guess thats why this "love" thing about the beatles attracted me a lot. Everytime i listened to them i felt as if i was in love .Anyhow things changed when I joined college , "lucy in the sky with diamonds" was not my favorite song anymore. I had new favorites , children of bodom , arch enemy etc etc etc.
Recently while discussing music with this awesome person i chat with regularly on the internet , i revisited the past and thought about the kind of songs i used to listen to. So today i decided to listen to all the beatles songs i had on my iPod.
Damn it felt soo good!
and now suddenly i have started feeling that heavy metal is garbage , its just loud pathetic noise .
John , George , Ringo i love you man!
Paul , up yours! you suck!

I love my blog!!

I had completely forgotten about my blog , but he has been such a nice blog , never complained , he totally understands how busy i was playing DotA etc etc.

Thanks for being so understanding yaar!!

As a gesture of my gratitude I am gifting you this picture of megan fox. Enjoy you naughty blog!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Are you awesome!

void main()

perror(" == operator not working ");



I took a IQ test today at this site called I took it twice just to confirm if it accurate or not and I scored 109.According to the graph below majority of earth's population have an IQ of 109 or nearby.

It's a well established fact that I am awesome but if this graph is accurate then does it mean most of the world is awesome.....
It doesn't seem like it

Proof: Britney Spears was the most searched person on the internet last year
---source Yahoo!

So I decided to make a test which tests if you are awesome or not!

Here it is----

Awesome Test


Wednesday, January 28, 2009


"Paul Jackson Pollock (January 28, 1912 – August 11, 1956) was an influential American painter and a major force in the abstract expressionist movement."

--source Wikipedia

I had never heard of him until today (January 28,2009) on his 97th birthday I saw the ugliest Google Doodle ever.

Out of curiosity i visited his official website .And it was a wonderful experience.I even made my own painting.....

It's Called.......


Monday, January 26, 2009


10 things I'm gonna buy before I die(listed in random order)

Lazy Boy

Darth Vader Mask
(the one which makes the sexy scary pfff... sound every time you breathe)

(with a tv inside so that i can watch movies while my balls are being caressed by jets of hot water)

A Stethoscope
(I wanted one of these since I was a child,I had a "Doctor Doctor" game kit which had a plastic stethoscope but now that I am grown up I need an actual stethoscope.)

Charlie's Chocolate Factory
(yumm yumm yumm)

Volkswagen Beetle


(Bill Gates beware Gitwick is coming)

Angelina Jolie

Plot on the Moon
(I'm so getting one of these)

A Domain Name
(Porn is an evergreen industry I need to invest my money )

I'm planning to buy this domain and convert it into a porn site.I mean the school already has a history of producing porn stars.It'll be a good start.